金子邦彦研究室 ▶ プログラミング ▶ C/C++ でキーボード,マウス,テキスト描画(C/C++, Allegro 5 を使用) ▶ ゲームエンジン Allegro バージョン 5.0 でキーボードイベント処理
Allegro サンプルプログラムです。
#define ALLEGRO_STATICLINK #include<stdio.h> #include<allegro.h> #include<allegro_ttf.h> #include<allegro_primitives.h> static ALLEGRO_FONT *font24; int doit(ALLEGRO_EVENT Event) { static int x = 0; static int y = 0; static int c = 0; if (Event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_LEFT) x--; if (Event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_RIGHT) x++; if (Event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_UP) y--; if (Event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_DOWN) y++; if (Event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_SPACE) { c = 100; } if (Event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_1) { c = 1; } if (Event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_2) { c = 2; } if (Event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_3) { c = 3; } al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); // clears the screen to the selected color al_draw_textf(font24, /* color */ al_map_rgb(128, 128, 128), /* x */ 10, /* y */ 10, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, "x : %d", x ); al_draw_textf(font24, /* color */ al_map_rgb(128, 128, 128), /* x */ 80, /* y */ 10, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, "y : %d", y ); al_draw_textf(font24, /* color */ al_map_rgb(128, 128, 128), /* x */ 150, /* y */ 10, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, "c : %d", c ); fprintf(stderr, "%d %d %d\n", x, y, c); return 0; } int main() { /* you should always do this at the start of Allegro programs */ if(!al_init()) { return -1; } /* set up the keyboard handler */ al_install_keyboard(); /* set up the mouse handler */ al_install_mouse(); /* set up fonts */ al_init_font_addon(); al_init_ttf_addon(); /* set a graphics mode sized 800x640 */ ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display = NULL; display = al_create_display(800, 640); if(!display) { return -1; } /* load font */ font24 = al_load_font("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf",24,0); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); // clears the screen to the selected color ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *EventQueue; ALLEGRO_EVENT Event; bool Exit = false; EventQueue = al_create_event_queue(); al_register_event_source(EventQueue, al_get_display_event_source(display)); al_register_event_source(EventQueue, al_get_keyboard_event_source()); al_register_event_source(EventQueue, al_get_mouse_event_source()); while(Exit == false) { al_flip_display(); al_wait_for_event(EventQueue, &Event); if(Event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE) { Exit = true; } if(Event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) { doit(Event); } } al_destroy_display(display); return 0; }
g++ hoge.cc -I/usr/local/include/allegro5 -L/usr/local/lib -lallegro -lallegro_font -lallegro_ttf -lm