Allegro バージョン4で各種の3次元シェーディング法を見てみる


Allegro サンプルプログラムです。

cd /tmp
emacs ex3d.c
  # 以下のように作成
 *    Example program for the Allegro library, by Shawn Hargreaves.
 *    This program demonstrates how to use the 3d matrix functions.
 *    It isn't a very elegant or efficient piece of code, but it
 *    does show the stuff in action. It is left to the reader as
 *    an exercise to design a proper model structure and rendering
 *    pipeline: after all, the best way to do that sort of stuff
 *    varies hugely from one game to another.
 *    The example first shows a screen resolution selection dialog.
 *    Then, a number of bouncing 3d cubes are animated. Pressing
 *    a key modifies the rendering of the cubes, which can be
 *    wireframe, the more complex transparent perspective correct
 *    texture mapped version, and many other.


#define NUM_SHAPES         8     /* number of bouncing cubes */

#define NUM_VERTICES       8     /* a cube has eight corners */
#define NUM_FACES          6     /* a cube has six faces */

typedef struct VTX
   fixed x, y, z;
} VTX;

typedef struct QUAD              /* four vertices makes a quad */
   VTX *vtxlist;
   int v1, v2, v3, v4;

typedef struct SHAPE             /* store position of a shape */
   fixed x, y, z;                /* x, y, z position */
   fixed rx, ry, rz;             /* rotations */
   fixed dz;                     /* speed of movement */
   fixed drx, dry, drz;          /* speed of rotation */

VTX points[] =                   /* a cube, centered on the origin */
   /* vertices of the cube */
   { -32 << 16, -32 << 16, -32 << 16 },
   { -32 << 16,  32 << 16, -32 << 16 },
   {  32 << 16,  32 << 16, -32 << 16 },
   {  32 << 16, -32 << 16, -32 << 16 },
   { -32 << 16, -32 << 16,  32 << 16 },
   { -32 << 16,  32 << 16,  32 << 16 },
   {  32 << 16,  32 << 16,  32 << 16 },
   {  32 << 16, -32 << 16,  32 << 16 },

QUAD faces[] =                   /* group the vertices into polygons */
   { points, 0, 3, 2, 1 },
   { points, 4, 5, 6, 7 },
   { points, 0, 1, 5, 4 },
   { points, 2, 3, 7, 6 },
   { points, 0, 4, 7, 3 },
   { points, 1, 2, 6, 5 }

SHAPE shapes[NUM_SHAPES];        /* a list of shapes */

/* somewhere to put translated vertices */
QUAD output_faces[NUM_FACES * NUM_SHAPES];

enum {
} render_mode = wireframe;

int render_type[] =

char *mode_desc[] =
   "Flat shaded",
   "Single color gouraud shaded",
   "Gouraud shaded",

/* initialise shape positions */
void init_shapes(void)
   int c;

   for (c=0; c<NUM_SHAPES; c++) {
      shapes[c].x = ((AL_RAND() & 255) - 128) << 16;
      shapes[c].y = ((AL_RAND() & 255) - 128) << 16;
      shapes[c].z = 768 << 16;
      shapes[c].rx = 0;
      shapes[c].ry = 0;
      shapes[c].rz = 0;
      shapes[c].dz =  ((AL_RAND() & 255) - 8) << 12;
      shapes[c].drx = ((AL_RAND() & 31) - 16) << 12;
      shapes[c].dry = ((AL_RAND() & 31) - 16) << 12;
      shapes[c].drz = ((AL_RAND() & 31) - 16) << 12;

/* update shape positions */
void animate_shapes(void)
   int c;

   for (c=0; c<NUM_SHAPES; c++) {
      shapes[c].z += shapes[c].dz;

      if ((shapes[c].z > itofix(1024)) ||
      (shapes[c].z < itofix(192)))
     shapes[c].dz = -shapes[c].dz;

      shapes[c].rx += shapes[c].drx;
      shapes[c].ry += shapes[c].dry;
      shapes[c].rz += shapes[c].drz;

/* translate shapes from 3d world space to 2d screen space */
void translate_shapes(void)
   int c, d;
   MATRIX matrix;
   VTX *outpoint = output_points;
   QUAD *outface = output_faces;

   for (c=0; c<NUM_SHAPES; c++) {
      /* build a transformation matrix */
      get_transformation_matrix(&matrix, itofix(1),
                shapes[c].rx, shapes[c].ry, shapes[c].rz,
                shapes[c].x, shapes[c].y, shapes[c].z);

      /* output the vertices */
      for (d=0; d<NUM_VERTICES; d++) {
     apply_matrix(&matrix, points[d].x, points[d].y, points[d].z,
              &outpoint[d].x, &outpoint[d].y, &outpoint[d].z);
     persp_project(outpoint[d].x, outpoint[d].y, outpoint[d].z,
               &outpoint[d].x, &outpoint[d].y);

      /* output the faces */
      for (d=0; d<NUM_FACES; d++) {
     outface[d] = faces[d];
     outface[d].vtxlist = outpoint;

      outpoint += NUM_VERTICES;
      outface += NUM_FACES;

/* draw a line (for wireframe display) */
void wire(BITMAP *b, VTX *v1, VTX *v2)
   int col = MID(128, 255 - fixtoi(v1->z+v2->z) / 16, 255);
   line(b, fixtoi(v1->x), fixtoi(v1->y), fixtoi(v2->x), fixtoi(v2->y),

/* draw a quad */
void draw_quad(BITMAP *b, VTX *v1, VTX *v2, VTX *v3, VTX *v4, int mode)
   int col;

   /* four vertices */
   V3D vtx1 = { 0, 0, 0, 0,      0,      0 };
   V3D vtx2 = { 0, 0, 0, 32<<16, 0,      0 };
   V3D vtx3 = { 0, 0, 0, 32<<16, 32<<16, 0 };
   V3D vtx4 = { 0, 0, 0, 0,      32<<16, 0 };

   vtx1.x = v1->x;   vtx1.y = v1->y;   vtx1.z = v1->z;
   vtx2.x = v2->x;   vtx2.y = v2->y;   vtx2.z = v2->z;
   vtx3.x = v3->x;   vtx3.y = v3->y;   vtx3.z = v3->z;
   vtx4.x = v4->x;   vtx4.y = v4->y;   vtx4.z = v4->z;

   if ( (polygon_z_normal(&vtx1, &vtx2, &vtx3) < 0) )

   /* set up the vertex color, differently for each rendering mode */
   switch (mode) {

      case POLYTYPE_FLAT:
     col = MID(128, 255 - fixtoi(v1->z+v2->z) / 16, 255);
     vtx1.c = vtx2.c = vtx3.c = vtx4.c = palette_color[col];

      case POLYTYPE_GCOL:
     vtx1.c = palette_color[0xD0];
     vtx2.c = palette_color[0x80];
     vtx3.c = palette_color[0xB0];
     vtx4.c = palette_color[0xFF];

      case POLYTYPE_GRGB:
     vtx1.c = 0x000000;
     vtx2.c = 0x7F0000;
     vtx3.c = 0xFF0000;
     vtx4.c = 0x7F0000;


   /* draw the quad */
   quad3d(b, mode, /* texture */ NULL, &vtx1, &vtx2, &vtx3, &vtx4);

/* callback for qsort() */
int quad_cmp(const void *e1, const void *e2)
   QUAD *q1 = (QUAD *)e1;
   QUAD *q2 = (QUAD *)e2;

   fixed d1 = q1->vtxlist[q1->v1].z + q1->vtxlist[q1->v2].z +
          q1->vtxlist[q1->v3].z + q1->vtxlist[q1->v4].z;

   fixed d2 = q2->vtxlist[q2->v1].z + q2->vtxlist[q2->v2].z +
          q2->vtxlist[q2->v3].z + q2->vtxlist[q2->v4].z;

   return d2 - d1;

/* draw the shapes calculated by translate_shapes() */
void draw_shapes(BITMAP *b)
   int c;
   QUAD *face = output_faces;
   VTX *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4;

   /* depth sort */
   qsort(output_faces, NUM_FACES * NUM_SHAPES, sizeof(QUAD), quad_cmp);

   for (c=0; c < NUM_FACES * NUM_SHAPES; c++) {
      /* find the vertices used by the face */
      v1 = face->vtxlist + face->v1;
      v2 = face->vtxlist + face->v2;
      v3 = face->vtxlist + face->v3;
      v4 = face->vtxlist + face->v4;

      /* draw the face */
      if (render_mode == wireframe) {
     wire(b, v1, v2);
     wire(b, v2, v3);
     wire(b, v3, v4);
     wire(b, v4, v1);
      else {
     draw_quad(b, v1, v2, v3, v4, render_type[render_mode]);


/* RGB -> color mapping table. Not needed, but speeds things up */
RGB_MAP rgb_table;

/* lighting color mapping table */
COLOR_MAP light_table;

/* transparency color mapping table */
COLOR_MAP trans_table;

int main(void)
   BITMAP *buffer;
   PALETTE pal;
   int c, w, h, bpp;
   int last_retrace_count;

   if (allegro_init() != 0)
      return 1;

   /* color 0 = black */
   pal[0].r = pal[0].g = pal[0].b = 0;

   /* copy the desktop palette */
   for (c=1; c<64; c++)
      pal[c] = desktop_palette[c];

   /* make a red gradient */
   for (c=64; c<96; c++) {
      pal[c].r = (c-64)*2;
      pal[c].g = pal[c].b = 0;

   /* make a green gradient */
   for (c=96; c<128; c++) {
      pal[c].g = (c-96)*2;
      pal[c].r = pal[c].b = 0;

   /* set up a greyscale in the top half of the palette */
   for (c=128; c<256; c++)
      pal[c].r = pal[c].g = pal[c].b = (c-128)/2;

   /* build rgb_map table */
   create_rgb_table(&rgb_table, pal, NULL);
   rgb_map = &rgb_table;

   /* build a lighting table */
   create_light_table(&light_table, pal, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
   color_map = &light_table;

   /* set the graphics mode */
   if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_SAFE, 320, 200, 0, 0) != 0) {
      set_gfx_mode(GFX_text, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      allegro_message("Unable to set any graphic mode\n%s\n", allegro_error);
      return 1;

   w = SCREEN_W;
   h = SCREEN_H;
   bpp = bitmap_color_depth(screen);
   if (!gfx_mode_select_ex(&c, &w, &h, &bpp)) {
      return 1;


   if (set_gfx_mode(c, w, h, 0, 0) != 0) {
      set_gfx_mode(GFX_text, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      allegro_message("Error setting graphics mode\n%s\n", allegro_error);
      return 1;


   /* double buffer the animation */
   buffer = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);

   /* set up the viewport for the perspective projection */
   set_projection_viewport(0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);

   /* initialise the bouncing shapes */

   last_retrace_count = retrace_count;

   for (;;) {

      while (last_retrace_count < retrace_count) {


      textprintf_ex(buffer, font, 0, 0, palette_color[192], -1, "%s, %d bpp",
            mode_desc[render_mode], bitmap_color_depth(screen));
      textout_ex(buffer, font, "Press a key to change", 0, 12,
         palette_color[192], -1);

      blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);

      if (keypressed()) {
     if ((readkey() & 0xFF) == 27)
     else {
        if (render_mode >= last_mode) {
           render_mode = wireframe;
           color_map = &light_table;


   return 0;



cd /tmp
gcc -o ex3d ex3d.c -L/usr/local/lib -lalleg-4.2.0 -lalleg_unsharable -lm

